Virtual Weapon Connectivity 20240612.

Elon Musk.


go e ring.



all comes out in the wash.

alles kommt in der Wäsche raus.

European Union : If the peripheral countries have to protect the external borders, then the inland countries should provide border guards for this purpose.

Wenn die Randländer die Außengrenzen schützen müssen, dann sollen die Binnenländer dafuer Grenzsoldaten zur Verfuegung stellen.

e. g. USA has the National Guard.

Israel Gaza : another example of the double bind idiosyncracy.

Hamas attacks Isrealies and takes hostages. Isreal conquers / invades Gaza. A new Gaza admiration is not established nor a Israeli administration for Gaza. A new Gaza administration that fights against terrorists is not established. To reestablish a known terror regime as new administration in Gaza is a joke even more so because of the tremendous loss of live on both sides. To reestablish the old terrorist approach between the two countries is a double bind in time, are reset of a system that failed to produce results because it is corrupted. There is also the possibility of political blackmail, since Hunter Biden’s sentence (Stafmaß) is at stake. The ceasefire structure reveals the nature of the corruption. Individuals that bow to political blackmail don’t have alternatives, time all activity function always has alternatives. Keep going, I let you know when my thumbs are drowsy from twiddling.


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