Constipation, a Case Study.

A 89 year old suffers from constipation : screaming, laxatives, custard oil, ambulance, hospital stay. A 20 hour ordeal.

What are the parameters for this medication plan, profit maximization? At least 2 meds have side effects of constipation!

simulating the pain of giving birth.

hard like concret.

hart wie Kruppstahl.

wie versteinert.

giving birth to a turd.

einen Scheißhaufen gebären.

Mr. Nose and the petrified shit from the Stone Age in his rock collection.

Herr Nase und die  versteinerte Scheiße aus der Steinzeit in seiner Gesteinssammlung.

Dream: the phallus shaped excrement as a dildo, a girl’s puberty. Conditioning based on the dream you can remember.

Intestinal flora.


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