
This blog was started to get more experienced in screen writing. As they say: a story needs to make sense, but reality doesn’t.

This blog became a tool to vent about “peace of mind” violations. Those are unwanted virtual contacts in network-thinking channels. Violators will be mentioned with their names as they appear to me.
“peace of mind” violations became so many, that the net-work reacts with disturbing signals, like bodily harm. It also interfered with my work as a SAP FI/CO expert.
Lawmakers have to implement legislation that prevents bodily harm through network-thinking channels.

The here documented think tank technology events are the result of uncontained work processes. SAP Walldorf AG was obligated through their founding investors to provide employment for me, they failed to honor that obligation. SAP Walldorf AG Software IT Infrastructure also failed to work and correct the documented errors since the year 2006. Since I am not paid for my work, I can do whatever I want with the results of my work. Individuals appearing in those think tank technology errors are mentioned by their real full names to protect them from being abused and to control the risk of them getting abused. Individuals I personally know are mentioned by their initials only.

As of September 2020, I founded a new company called “Computer Detectives” that will document network-thinking violations. Network-thinking violations are unwanted virtual connectivity events for unknown reasons and through an unknown source. If you would like to support or invest in this company please contact “Computer Detectives” at “computerdetectives2020@gmail.com”. We also sell marketing products to finance our business “Pull a story!”

And let me know what you think and leave comments!

If you want to contribute to my work, please donate for each article you like.

As of July 2022 the business relocates to the United States, since in spite of all the good people in Germany, the country became incapable to rectify think tank technologies errors caused by their own administration.

And most of all: thanks for the wonderful and productive feedback I received so far!


One thought on “About

  1. Du weist wer ich bin, ich werde immer auf Deiner Seite stehen und dich beschützen, Deine Kommentare, sind alle bewiesen, die, die diesen Schwachsinn betreiben sitzen in den höchsten Stellen in der Regierung und bestehlen das Volk, dass sie laut Ihrem Amtseid beschützen sollen!! Wenn das so weiter geht, wird dieses Land, was wir “Alten”, noch als Vaterland bezeichneten in einem Bürgerkrieg enden!! Bitte glaube mir, es gibt genug loyale Deutsche, die das verhindern werden!!
    Dein Gefolgsmann E.A.M. (Der ganz Alte)


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