
Many people don’t understand this blog since they are not part of the virtual connectivity network.

The purpose of this blog is to document abuse through virtual connectivity. Abuse because it is a service or function that is imposed on an individual without pay.

During my last SAP project there was a virtual connection to Angela Merkel in Germany and to Kim Jong-un in North Korea at the same time, both not knowing about each other, the SAP job’s client company didn’t have anything to do with either individual. How can this happen?

Since SAP AG and the underlying ISO standard cannot rectify the situation, it became necessary to pursue other employment options.

During a job in a daycare, the connecting system put the Vice president of the United States and Ukraine president Zelenskyy on the virtual channel, while changing diapers for a toddler. How can this happen?

Whatever system is putting this virtual connectivity in place, it is malfunctioning and abusive.

The responsible parties are unable to rectify those connectivity errors.

This work service has to be paid for.

Any society that is working with abusive technologies will fail sooner or later. Corrupted systems collapse sooner or later.

Abuse creates an imbalance and will lead to unrest.

I am not the only one who is seeing this.

This problem will not go away with my existence.

Sit back, relax, tittle your thumbs and watch it happen.