Love and Fear.

the emotional channel.

running on love now.

running on fear now.

love send by love making.

fear send by pain making.

fear controls humans.

love controls humans.

the power of love.

the power of fear.

Genesis 3:16
To the woman he said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”

Genesis 38:28
As she was giving birth, one of them put out his hand; so the midwife took a scarlet thread and tied it on his wrist and said, “This one came out first.”

love making is a love connection.

pain making is a fear or-deal connection.

mein Krampf, mein Kampf.

giving birth to a turd.

the live model for love.

the live model for pain.

the live model for both : George Clooney.








Mücke, city in Germany.




Virtual Weapon Connectivity 20240616.

Pope Francis.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

Miserando atque eligendo.

Mitleid und Auswahl.

Pity and choosing.

words <> woods.

Gertrud Ursula von der Leyen.

Nancy Faeser.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy.

ethnic profiling and ethnic hierarchy based on shape of noses. ethnic discrimination based on shape of the nose profiling. concept introduced by US president Grant. I am not surprised it is coming through. Why would the hierarchy be part of a decision process? it’s idiotic if you ask me. This deserves today’s “Computer Detectives Intercouse-Stupid Certificate”.


Constipation, a Case Study.

A 89 year old suffers from constipation : screaming, laxatives, custard oil, ambulance, hospital stay. A 20 hour ordeal.

What are the parameters for this medication plan, profit maximization? At least 2 meds have side effects of constipation!

simulating the pain of giving birth.

hard like concret.

hart wie Kruppstahl.

wie versteinert.

giving birth to a turd.

einen Scheißhaufen gebären.

Mr. Nose and the petrified shit from the Stone Age in his rock collection.

Herr Nase und die  versteinerte Scheiße aus der Steinzeit in seiner Gesteinssammlung.

Dream: the phallus shaped excrement as a dildo, a girl’s puberty. Conditioning based on the dream you can remember.

Intestinal flora.


Virtual Weapon Connectivity 20240614.

the prediction  from a Morgan Stanley manager at the time that Wallstreetwill go away.

Rosemarie Meyer-Stoll.



stained glass pane.

Also wir beobachten Fehler in Think Tank Technologies.

Es ist was falsch ist keine wissenschaftliche These.

Es gibt eine Ereigniskette schon eher.

Die Erde ist ein vollständig definiertes System, verstehe nicht jeder.

Die Erde ist ein vollständig definiertes System das sich mit der physikalischen Kraft der Liebe steuert, hm das hat Einstein schon gesagt, oder so was ähnliches.

Ask yourself, how do I know there is a murder case with missing body part.

the murderer keeps the body parts in close proximity.

The Mentalist, (2008 – 2015).

Unbreakable, (2000).

There is a unhealthy competition between blood related families and patchwork families.

Patch Adams, (1998).

Patchwork, (2021), Yael.

dear investors : please invent a tent for the homeless that looks like a parked car. I hope braindead executives and city ordinances get the message. Maybe one that looks like a sitting elephant.


Virtual Weapon Connectivity 20240613

German police horse training walking over fire.

Belle Fontaine : The fire occurred on June 8 at 8755 State Route 638 in Belle Center of Logan County. 44 horses died.


in a stable.

the terrible screams of dying horses.

tone of voice.

the demand of a scream sound for the movie industry that triggered a murder.

accent articulation emphasis enunciation modulation pitch pronunciation sound tonality tone.

The tone of any piece of content can be analyzed along 4 dimensions: humor, formality, respectfulness, and enthusiasm.

demand: positive and good.

demand : positive and bad.

demand: negative and good.

demand: negative and bad.



The Brave One (2007).

to make money with a sound recording : unnecessary in conflict with the right to make a living.


doppelte Überweisungen.



Minority Report (2002), Lamar Burgess.



authority to give instructions.

Befugnis, Weisungen zu erteilen.

Nancy Fletcher.

Murder, She Wrote, (1974-1996), Jessica Fletcher.

Ursula Burns.


Virtual Weapon Connectivity 20240612.

Elon Musk.


go e ring.



all comes out in the wash.

alles kommt in der Wäsche raus.

European Union : If the peripheral countries have to protect the external borders, then the inland countries should provide border guards for this purpose.

Wenn die Randländer die Außengrenzen schützen müssen, dann sollen die Binnenländer dafuer Grenzsoldaten zur Verfuegung stellen.

e. g. USA has the National Guard.

Israel Gaza : another example of the double bind idiosyncracy.

Hamas attacks Isrealies and takes hostages. Isreal conquers / invades Gaza. A new Gaza admiration is not established nor a Israeli administration for Gaza. A new Gaza administration that fights against terrorists is not established. To reestablish a known terror regime as new administration in Gaza is a joke even more so because of the tremendous loss of live on both sides. To reestablish the old terrorist approach between the two countries is a double bind in time, are reset of a system that failed to produce results because it is corrupted. There is also the possibility of political blackmail, since Hunter Biden’s sentence (Stafmaß) is at stake. The ceasefire structure reveals the nature of the corruption. Individuals that bow to political blackmail don’t have alternatives, time all activity function always has alternatives. Keep going, I let you know when my thumbs are drowsy from twiddling.




war & peace.










and per se and.

S in itself and in D: e. g. the letter D written with multiple letters of S.

Leslie Lamport: Ask yourself how do I know that LaTeX is used for the interface to download visuals into a human brain!?.

Leslie Lamport: Fragen Sie sich: „Woher weiß ich, dass LaTeX als Schnittstelle zum Herunterladen visueller Elemente in ein menschliches Gehirn verwendet wird?“.

late X.


you know too much, that’s just your point of view, anybody can see the cause and effect of an error. I offered the IRS an hourly rate of $300, how much should I charge you? $500/hr.?

What else is downloaded, the enemy images?


Virtual Weapon Connectivity 20240611.

Nancy Iskander.

kander, the river.

Matthias Ecke: SPD and S&D.

Nancy Mace.

Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D).

Marita Ulvskog (SAP, Sweden) – Sustainable Development and Competition.

Robert Goebbels (LSAP), Luxembourg.

Democracy is Freedom – The Daisy.

party conflict compiler : write a compiler for political party programs and find similarities and contradictions or conflicts. Confront individuals that are party members of two or more parties with the establied contradictions.

phone call female automated voice saying good bye with caller ID of own phone that was not in use. Who called, good question!

good bye is daughter’s book manifesting.

another phone call like that.

Die Ohnmachtskonditionierung durch die Doppelbotschaft führt zu einem menschenverachtenden Kommunikationsstillstand (e. g. Exner, Tochter, Holzapfel) . Es ist zu erwarten, daß daraus eine menschenverachtende Dynamik entstehen wird und/oder bereits entstandenen ist.

The conditioning of powerlessness through the double bind leads to an inhumane standstill in communication (e.g. Exner, Tochter, Holzapfel). It is to be expected that an inhumane dynamic will arise from this and/or has already arisen.

political parties with religious dependcies:



political parties without religious dependencies :





the feedback a while ago that humans are just sitting there doing nothing anymore, which program?

oh fuck, I hear, fuck won’t help.

the fucking-stupid, I hear, are you talking about yourself?

Kill Command, (2016), Mills.

Biden : the re-establishment of  terrorists in Gaza, that’s a joke! It proves that the motivating force behind conflicts like Ukraine Russia and Israel Gaza is to make money with arms deals and reconstruction. Those countries are enslaved by a money making process, it’s not at all about political, moral and ethical improvements. It’s about money it’s not about priceless.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy. Selen, sky, brains. War as the wrecking ball for infrastructure modernization: a win win situation, make money from war and make money from reconstruction. He is a helpless puppet and has to survive as a witness RED, (2010), Frank Moses.

It’s great to see that BSW and AFD are not part of this dirty game, this means system dynamics works it not a totalitarian brain wash or a majority dictatorship, what is the brain wash trigger? false positive: bell  bellum, guerre de cloche, belle, beautiful war. America the beautiful.

bellus bellum. cute war. süßer Krieg.

I would say there is a false positive caused by a typo in the Latin language.

economics : to pay for a wrecker ball, cost, a weaponsmith makes more money than a wreckerball production. The wreckerball needs to be paid for by the company, weaponsmith is paid for by the government and taxpayer, clever move, I call it warefare taxation, a new tax, war as a new tax.

Joseph Robinette “Beau” Biden III.

moan, mourn.

stönen, trauern.

gémir, pleurer.

moere, moerere.

more, more, more, 😛
